
Polyvinyl Alcohol


What is PVA & How Does Kind Laundry Use it?
Polyvinyl Alcohol or more commonly known as PVA/PVOH or even PVAI is a water-soluble synthetic po...

6 min read

Laundry Detergent Allergy? Here’s Your Solution - Kind Laundry


Laundry Detergent Allergy? Here’s Your Solution
Did you wake up with an itchy rash that seems to have come out of nowhere? Or maybe your baby wok...
Impact of Detergents on the Environment: What Are the Negative Effects? - Kind Laundry


Impact of Detergents on the Environment: What Are the Negative Effects?
As a society, we have a growing awareness of the harmful additives in our food and products aroun...
seaspiracy fact check


Seaspiracy Fact Check - What's the Truth Behind Netflix's Documentary?
Recently released and controversial, Netflix’s Seaspiracy has caused a stir, and not necessarily ...
laundry detergent sheets review


Laundry Detergent Sheets Review – Do They Actually Work?
What we all need is a simple, fuss-free way to make the laundry chore both easier and effective, ...
are detergent laundry pods bad for the environment


Are Detergent Pods Bad For The Environment?
To help you better understand why you should skip detergent pods, we will answer a few questions ...

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Laundry? Start Here

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Our popular travel bundle allows you to test out Kind Laundry for a few spin cycles without committing to a larger box.